Ministries at Providence Baptist Church of San Francisco

Acts 6:1-6
In the Bible deacons were selected to see about the widows and orphans who needed help with their day-to-day existence. Today our deacons humbly serve the congregation as well as assist the pastor.

Board of Christian Education
Each ministry leader serves to impart and promote Christian knowledge.

Baptist Training Union ~ Sunday School ~ Vacation Bible School
II Timothy 2:15
These teaching arms of the Church provide biblical instruction, challenges and often reminders how we are to walk with God here on earth. The Bible states teachers are called and must be anointed by the Holy Spirit. Prayer, meditation, study and guidance by the Holy Spirit enable teachers to “rightfully divide the word of truth”. Teachers encourage and challenge students through homework, questions and discussions about daily scripture passages.

Children’s Church
On third and fourth Sundays during 10:45 a.m. worship, children ages 3 to 11 learn how pray, praise and worship God. Life situations are addressed.

Women’s Ministry
Our missions are to grow spiritually by studying, teaching and obeying God’s word; grow numerically by reaching the women of Providence through love, encouragement, support and fellowship; and to help others by expanding our internal and external outreach projects.

Men’s Ministry
Romans 12:1-2
Our men strive for spiritual development, maturity in faith, stewardship and responsibility to become leaders in homes, churches, and communities. They witness in the neighborhood on fourth Saturdays.

Music Ministry
We believe that music is a unique way to express our love, thanks and praise to God. It is an integral part of our worship and ministries. The Bible states that we are to “continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise,” Hebrews 13:5. We strive to offer Him our best.

Praise Dance Ministry
Psalm 150:1-6
Three dance groups artistically demonstrate praise and adoration to Jesus Christ. The ages of Joshua Generation are 5 to 12; Rejoice dancers are 13 to 18; and Everlasting begins at 19.

AA Ministry and Prison Ministry
II Corinthians 5:17 and Philippians 3:13
The Word of God frees those who are bound. A call to change through Jesus Christ is a call to true freedom. Those in recovery and prison can learn through scriptures how to be delivered from anger, alcohol, caffeine, compulsivity, depression, gambling, illegal and prescription drugs, physical and verbal abuse, sexual promiscuity, and violence.

Benevolence Ministry
It financially aids members of the congregation who seek assistance with basic day-to-needs.

Hospitality Ministry
A group of trained members will show Christian love and hospitality to all worshippers. This ministry will direct everyone from the time they approach the Church entrances until they are greeted by our ushers and sit in the pews. This is the newest ministry which will show, give and demonstrate love and kindness.

Ushers and Nurses Ministry
Psalm 84:10
Our “doorkeepers” warmly greet, give programs, fans and lead or verbally direct worshippers to pews or seats. Our nurses are to assist those that may feel unwell. Both will courteously serve, causing everyone to feel a part of our church family.

Children and Youth Ministries
1 Peter 2:9
The purpose of our Children and Youth Ministries is to plant wholesome seeds of knowledge at early ages. The gospel of Jesus Christ is rich with everything necessary for our children and youth to grow into wholesome Christian adults. A group of dedicated disciples teach children and youth about God and Jesus Christ, how to pray from their hearts, how to use their Bibles, render praise and worship, and learn life application lessons to enable them to make Christ-like choices.

Mothers’ Ministry
Titus 2:3-10
Our older women are to teach, guide and help everyone with sound doctrine. They are also advisers for best practices, lessons learned, church history and Christian education.

Van Ministry
Luke 14:21
Presently, the van drivers transport members who reside in the city to and from 10:45 a.m. worship and some special events.

Homeless Shelter Ministry

The Providence Baptist Church Homeless Shelter has twenty-five groups of individuals who serve the homeless by providing dinner and accommodations to the men, women, and families spending the night. The purpose of this ministry is to provide a nourishing meal, love encouraging words and a clean, safe place for the homeless to spend the night. The groups are made up of volunteers from several community churches, sorority clubs, families, and auxiliaries of Providence Baptist Church. Most groups consist of three to eight members, with each group serving at least one day per month.

Singles Ministry

The purpose of the Singles Ministry is to share God's truth about relationships and responsibilities of single adults.

Christian Counseling Ministry

The Providence Christian Counseling Ministry is run by Christian Lay-Counselors, Christ-centered people called to help heal God’s hurting people. We work with people to explore issues of concern to develop and reach their goals. Sessions use Biblical principles to support movement toward a more Christ-centered life. We welcome all people.
Are you seeking help for:
  • Changing a behavior pattern which no longer works for you?
  • Struggling with an addiction?
  • Improving or reconnecting a broken relationship?
  • Enriching a current relationship?
  • Feeling depressed or lonely?
  • Exploring your spiritual life?
  • Grieving a loss?
  • Need help setting priorities?
  • Challenged with parenting issues?

If you would like more information, please call the Providence Christian Counseling Ministry at (415) 754-0380 and leave a message on our confidential voice mail. Calls will be returned within 24-hours. There is no charge for this ministry. Services are initially set up for ten sessions.

We are not equipped for crisis counseling. If you are in crisis, please call 911 or Psychiatric Emergency Services at (415) 206-8125.

Annette Taylor, MFT
Providence Christian Counseling Ministry Coordinator

Scholarship Ministry